Welcome to INE Journal of Nursing (IJN) [print-ISSN: 2394–1014 & e-ISSN: 2394–6008] is a journal dedicated to promotion of research in Nursing & Midwifery with reputed academics and experts as its editorial board. Journal provides a forum for articles on all aspects of higher degree nursing academics practice, education, research and management. It publishes Original Research articles, reviews, short communication, case reports on current topic of special interest and relevance. All manuscripts are subjected to rapid peer review and only those of high quality and not previously published elsewhere are published without delay.
INE Nursing Journal (IJN) particularly welcomes studies that aims to evaluate and understand complex healthcare interventions. The journal also seeks to advance the quality of research by publishing methodological papers introducing or elaborating on analytical techniques, measures and research methods. It provides a quarterly publication of articles in all areas of Nursing and Midwifery.